Marielis Garcia
Amalgamation: an encounter
This work is an immersive installation/performance for Maryland Day at The University of Maryland. Movement from four different dances and media come together, synthesized into one collaborative experience highlighting the importance of self directed attention.
Please come and go, or stay during this hourlong durational work.
Shekinah Brown
Jasmine Caffee
Elta Goldstein
Cameron Gore
Jaiden Hanley
Olivia Perkins
Choreography By: Kieth Johnson, Bebe Miller, Kendra Portier, Doug Varone in collaboration with Adriane Fang, Marielis Garcia, and the performers
MK Ford
Technical Design and Media Support:
Andrew Cissna
Luis Garcia
Rashonda Lazar
in collaboration with Marielis Garcia
Music Composition:
Brad Wentworth
Individual experiences tend to influence the way we process the events around us. Through this multimedia installation, we hope you can consider the ways your attention is drawn to the various screens, and live performers. What connections are drawn for you?
Through her Dorthy Madden professorship Adriane Fang, is collaborating with choreographers Kieth Johnson, Bebe Miller, Kendra Portier, and Doug Varone. This semester, through a repertory class co-taught by Marielis Garcia, the student performers Shekinah Brown, Jasmine Caffee, Elta Goldstein, Cameron Gore, Jaiden Hanley, and Olivia Perkins worked to learn the movement material from the various choreographers.
Using the shared movement vocabulary learned throughout the semester, the Performers questioned: How can we bring ourselves into this work, a work that is both set and unset? How can the many influences within each of us come together to create a singular event?