Marielis Garcia
Choreographing Problems: Expressive Concepts in European Contemporary Dance and Performance -Bojana Cvejic ́
"As the philosophical argument will show... choreographies unfold a practice of thought rooted in the problematization of specific concerns of contemporary dance, such as the body-movement bind with respect to expression and form, improvisation, and processuality. Most importantly, their forte lies in introducing a method of creation by way of problem-posing, which merits philosophical attention..."
The Nikolais/Louis Dance Technique: A Philosophy and Method of Modern Dance -Alwin Nikolais & Murray Louis
"When child skips down the street, It is perhaps a release of excess energy, but it is not necessarily dance. When a child skips [in a particular setting] purposefully and consciously executing the motion for its own sake, then the skip becomes dance."
"Dance as the art of motion is, among other things, the architectural design of directions."
Of The Presence of the Body: Essays on Dance and Performance Theory -Edited by Andre Lepecki
Peggy Phelan wrote about a Trisha Brown version of Orfeo. By examining the way Trisha Brown choose to close the piece; differently from what one might expect from the known story of Orfeo.